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  • Writer's picturePooja


Covid-19 forced many businesses to become bankrupt or go into liquidation which ultimately resulted in people losing their jobs. Fast forward to 2022, the Russo-Ukrainian war caused a surge in prices and shortage of goods all across the globe. On top of that, the changing prime ministers, rise in inflation and many other factors has left Britain’s economy in shambles.

On a more positive note: A report by ABTA in October 2022 stated that “The majority of people said they were more likely to cut back spending on eating out and clothes before they reduce their outlay on holidays, with just 35% saying they would cut back on travel costs above the alternatives.” From this, it is clear to see that people are still prioritising travel and living out new experiences. That doesn’t mean to say you shouldn’t be cautious on the amount you spend on a holiday though! It’s still a matter of making every penny count from the moment you begin your holiday search until you arrive back home; I am here to share some tips on how to make travel more affordable.

Travel off-peak

Starting with hopefully the most obvious factor that will make travel more affordable. The price of holidays soar during the school holidays. Sorry parents! Find out the dates for Easter, summer, Christmas, as well as half-term holidays and avoid travelling during those peak times if possible. Travelling out of season results in cheaper flights and less crowded destinations.

Broaden your horizons

Be flexible with your choice of destination and travel dates - you’ll be surprised how often flying out on a different day or opting for another location can make a massive difference to the holiday price! For example, popular destinations for winter sun include Portugal and Dubai. Swapping them out for destinations in similar regions such as Malta or Ras Al Khaimah can not only make travel more affordable, but you’re likely to find fewer crowds too! Think outside the box, don’t pick a popular destination.

The ideal time to book a holiday is between 1-4 months from the date of departure, this will secure prices of airfare and accommodations without being surprised or stressed by increases in flights or no availability left as you get closer to the 1-month range.

Top Tip: If there are a few attractions in Dubai that you’re just dying to see, a day trip can be done from the other Emirati cities such as Abu Dhabi or Ras Al Khaimah, which are only a couple of hours away. For more some more inspiration, check out:

How far will your money take you?

As the value of the Great British Pound has weakened, researching into destinations where your currency goes further will also help to plan and budget for your trip. From previous ventures, I have calculated that the Thai Bhat and UAE Dirham, although the rate has lowered, still hold a good value to the pound in comparison to other currencies.

Also, be mindful of destinations where you can use more than one currency. Such as across many of the Caribbean islands, where the United States Dollar is accepted as well as the preferred currency of the island. Taking Barbados as an example, the Great British Pound is worth more in Barbadian Dollars than USD (at time of writing).

Keep an eye on the fluctuating exchange rates before you travel and order your currency in advance to get the best deal. Exchanging money at airports and hotels is most likely where you will find a lower value than a local bank or licensed currency exchange. Another tip, especially as more and more vendors are accepting card only now, is to take out a travel money card which you can load with the right currency and a set budget. They can be used in a similar way to a normal debit card, ATMs accept them and this is a great option with no extra fees every time you make a purchase too, so shop around for the right card for you!

Plan your route

So by now, you have hopefully decided on where you want to go. It’s time to look into flights! My first point of call for any travel search requiring air transit is for the easiest way to find cheap flights between countries! Enter the required details, and you’ll be able to see what is available on specific dates, or across a whole month if you have more flexibility with your dates. Finding out the average flight prices can also help you to budget your holiday. There have been many times I have had clients wanting to go somewhere only to find that their budget just about covers the flight only! Whilst there are occasions where we can work around this, do be mindful that your overall budget is realistic; The cost of a holiday today is unfortunately not the same as it was 3 years ago.

There are many destinations that offer direct flights and many that come with at least one stopover as standard. If you’re not in a rush to reach your destination, consider a flight with a stopover, as indirect routes are often cheaper. If you have a layover long enough and the airport permits, you may even be able to venture out for the day, giving you more bang for your buck! Or perhaps consider creating a multi-centre holiday by spending an extra night or two in the stopover destination, like both Huma (@aworldtosense) and I did for our travels and ended up spending A WEEKEND IN ABU DHABI.

It can also be worth checking the various airports in your region, as one might offer a cheaper fare – however do weigh up the costs of getting to that airport against fuel, parking/drop-off charges and potential hotel stay. I go into more detail on planning ahead in my POST PANDEMIC TRAVEL GUIDE.

Beat excess baggage charges

“Wow, your suitcase is heavy – got the kitchen sink in there?”

How many times have you travelled somewhere feeling like you’ve packed everything but the kitchen sink?! Whether it’s packing items from home to take with you or buying everyone you know a souvenir from abroad, I think it’s pretty safe to say that we’ve all been guilty of overpacking at one stage or another. You don’t even take much notice of it until you reach the airport and are hit with the excess baggage charge! Weighing your luggage before you leave home is a must to ensure that you are making your travel more affordable.

Try and pack as minimal as possible. If you’re travelling in winter or to a colder destination, meaning that bulky jacket is a necessity to bring on your trip, wear it rather than trying to pack it! That being said, you don’t want to be stranded somewhere because you forgot one of your TRAVEL ESSENTIALS. Always double check that you have everything you need!


Choosing the right accommodation boils down to a number of factors - How big is your party? What kind of experience are you looking for? How well do you know the area? Are there multiple different needs in your group? What is a necessity for you? The list of knowing your needs goes on and on as each trip is unique.

All-inclusive may seem like the easiest option, but it can also mean that you feel more confined to stay at the resort/hotel. If you want to experience authentic cuisine and get a feel for the destination, downgrade your board basis and head to local eateries (ensure you choose a property that is close in proximity to cafes, bars and restaurants) - you’ll be able to mingle with the locals and understand the culture of the destination whilst supporting local businesses as well as your own pocket at the same time!

If it’s a family/friends reunion type holiday, it could be more affordable to opt for a holiday home. In some ways it can be easier to cater to all by staying in a hotel/resort, but being in a holiday home can bring everyone closer and make the experience more memorable as you spend quality time with one another as opposed to being surrounded by other holiday makers. If you are staying in a hotel or resort, make sure you know of all the activities and services included with your stay, as this can help make travel more affordable by keeping everyone entertained without spending extra.

The main take away is to ensure that all who are attending are catered for, whatever their needs may be, along with the purpose of the holiday being fulfilled.

Location, location, location

From choosing the right destination to deciding on accommodation, research what’s in easy reach from where you will be based. This can help to cut down on transport costs throughout your stay. However, there are still some grey areas to consider! For example, if your room has a view of the Taj Mahal, chances are it’s going to cost you more than a room in the same hotel with a different view. Don’t worry – you’ll still be able to see the Taj from other parts of the hotel, usually the rooftop swimming pool! To make the accommodation portion of your travels even more affordable, opt for a hotel away from the touristy spots. You’ll still be able to visit the famous attractions during the day, but get to experience more of the local culture by night – which in my books is a win-win!


Make yourself aware of starting taxi rates and public transport fares/passes as well as whether your accommodation offers any free transportation to selected areas.

With taxi services such as Uber becoming more and more popular around the world, it is easier to get around and plan your own ‘tour’, picking and choosing exactly what you want to see, when you want to see it.

When booking tours, especially in cities, check how far the local meeting point is from where you are staying as the majority do not offer hotel pick-up/drop-off services like many typical holiday destinations – the last thing you want is to be late to the meeting point and the tour leaves without you!


Depending on how long you are in the area, having booked excursions prior to your departure can be a weight off your shoulders allowing you to spend your time exploring to the fullest. On the other hand, booking through local agencies when you reach the destination can provide you with more options whilst helping boost tourism in that country!

Always consider the cost of booking those excursions in local currency to the destination versus your home currency.

Search for free things to do in your chosen destination. Perhaps there are local events on whilst you’re there, parks are usually great to explore and not to forget the classic free walking tours, a great way to see the city you are visiting whilst learning about the history and destination itself - just remember that it’s customary to tip at the end.

Have you accounted for the extras?

There are many additional and costly things to consider other than transportation and accommodation. A little secret I’ll let you in on, is that sometimes it can be more affordable to book your transportation and accommodation separately, rather than as a package deal! Although it takes away the convenience of having it all booked under one account, it offers more flexibility and options to your travel! The smaller details such as airport parking, travel insurance, visas, vaccinations, even the cost of renewing your passport if needs be! These things all add up and it’s best to get ahead of them and search for the most affordable options to save you worrying closer to the travel date. To ensure your trip goes as smoothly as possible, take a look over my POST PANDEMIC TRAVEL GUIDE for some helpful advice.

To be able to travel far and wide is a privilege. Using the pointers above, I hope the wonderful opportunity to travel all across the world seems more accessible to all. And remember! If you spend less on one adventure, you can use that money towards planning another!


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